SEL/NVC Letter from Joanie and Will

Hi All!

We hope this message finds you well! We are looking forward to our upcoming session in March, and would like to share some tools that could help you reflect and prepare for the Spring. As you know, non-violent communication and social emotional learning are not skills to gain overnight, but require practice, self-reflection, and ongoing work. We hope that you will find value in these tools, and that they will inspire you to connect with members of our community. 

NVC for Teachers

Self-Reflection Tools

  • Needs-Based Self Check-In

  • Wholehearted Inventory from BrenĂ© Brown 

    • The Wholehearted Inventory instrument assesses your strengths and opportunities for growth. To learn more, you can read The Gifts of Imperfection by BrenĂ© Brown. 


  • Why Teacher Self-Care Matters and How to Practice Self-Care in Schools (

    • Self-care is an important component of a teacher’s mental health, but there are misconceptions about what it is. It’s common for educators to dismiss the self-care movement as “selfish” or “superficial.” But for teachers, self-care is so much more than breakfast in bed or treating yourself to a spa day. It’s about taking care of your health so that you’re prepared to be the best teacher you can be for yourself and your students.

For more information about our strand, be sure to check out our Google Classroom here. To access and contribute to the resources we put together in October, please visit the following link: NVC/SEL Choice Boards and Resources. Feel free to reach out to us if you are in need of more support or would like to learn more. See you in March! 


Joanie Wisdahl & Will Chapman-Hale


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